Monday, 19 December 2022

Happy Yule!


Yule/the Winter Solstice is nearly here! This year it's on Wednesday 21st December. In the past I've written several posts with ideas for celebrating and last year I did a round-up linking to them, (which also featured some baking ideas for both Yule and Christmas). During 2022 I've been writing posts sharing ideas and links for the sabbats rather than an in-depth post, so here is Yule's (the final one of the year).

Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere it's almost time for Litha aka Midsummer/the Summer Solstice. You might like my Happy Litha! post:


Yule, also known as Midwinter and the Winter Solstice, is the final sabbat of the calendar year and is considered either the 1st or 2nd sabbat in the Wheel of the Year, depending on your viewpoint (as I've discussed in the 2018 and 2021 posts). I tend to think of the previous sabbat Samhain (31st October) as both the end of one cycle and the start of a new one.

Note: The Winter Solstice is the astrological event and Yule is the modern pagan name for the festival, but many people use both terms.

The Winter Solstice (which is always around 21st December) is the time of year with the shortest day and longest night in the Northern Hemisphere (the opposite of the Summer Solstice (also celebrated as Litha by pagans) in the Southern Hemisphere. The actual (scientific) time of the solstice this year is 9.48pm UK time (GMT). To find the time in your country visit this link:


Monday, 7 November 2022

Hallowe'en/Samhain 2022

Last Monday it was Hallowe'en and Samhain (31st October). I celebrated with a pumpkin and by having some food and drink. I baked gingerbread skeletons and made my favourite Demon's Blood drink (ginger beer mixed with orange juice and apple juice, and dyed green). The drink recipe is from The Real Witches' Kitchen book by Kate West.

I also made some potato salad, based on a recipe from The Kitchen Witch by Soraya. I normally use chives/and or spring onion instead of rosemary because I like it better. This year I used spring onion because I couldn't get any chives.

 Here is a picture of my pumpkin:


Tuesday, 25 October 2022

Happy Samhain/Hallowe'en!

I normally post on Sundays or Mondays, but I wasn't able to get this finished yesterday, so I'm posting today instead. :) 


Samhain (my favourite sabbat apart from Lammas) is coming up! This year it's on a Monday (31st October). I also celebrate Hallowe'en, which is thought to have originated from Samhain customs. In the past I've written several posts with ideas for celebrating and last year I did a round-up post linking to them all. During 2022 I've been writing posts sharing some links and ideas for the sabbats, rather than an in-depth post, so here is Samhain's. :)

Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere Beltane is almost here! You might like my Happy Beltane! post:


Samhain is the 3rd and final harvest festival on the Wheel of the Year, coming after Lammas in late July/early August and Madron/Mabon aka the Autumn Equinox in September. It marks the end of summer and the start of the winter season. Madron is the official start of autumn, but I think in the past summer and winter were seen as the bigger seasonal shifts. It is also thought to be one of the times of year (along with Beltane) when the veil between the worlds is thin. It is a cross-quarter sabbat and a fire festival, and takes places on 31st October, although some people may celebrate from 31st Oct to 1st November (sundown to sundown).

Sunday, 16 October 2022

Summer-Autumn Update (2022)

It's already October, so it's time for my 3rd quarterly update- summer to autumn! You can see my previous updates at the links below:

Winter-Spring Update (2022):

Spring-Summer Update (2022):


In early July I went to a metal fusion belly dance workshop in Portslade with Lianna Greene, which was fun. It's been good to get back into dancing again this year (after the lockdowns and uncertainty due to the pandemic) although I'm not currently attending regular classes.   

I also went to Lancing Beach at sunset during July. It was more of a "gentle" sunset but still nice. Here's a photo:


Sunset at Lancing Beach.

Sunday, 2 October 2022

Madron 2022

The week before last (Friday 23rd September) it was Madron, more commonly known as Mabon and the Autumn Equinox. (Some people will have celebrated on Thursday, depending on their time zone.) I wasn't able to get a post about it done last weekend, so I'm doing it today instead. :)

As I mentioned in the Celebrating Madron! post, my main celebration is baking and this year I made some pumpkin spice bars. The recipe is from Simply Taralynn:

It has a maple frosting because Taralynn (the blogger) isn't keen on cream cheese frosting. I considered making the maple icing, but in the end decided to go for cream cheese. I know it goes well with ginger things, so imagined it would be nice with pumpkin flavours. I used the (frosting) recipe from Taralynn's gingerbread cookie bars with cream cheese frosting:

I might make the gingerbread cookie bars in future!

I don't think pumpkin spice is easily available here, so I used mixed spice instead, which is apparently similar. You can make your own pumpkin spice though, here's a recipe from Little House Living that tells you how (see the Spice Mixes section):

Update 3/10/24: The link above now redirects to a similar post and I can't find the pumpkin spice recipe. But here's one from Don't Waste the Crumbs:

The recipe also requires pumpkin puree which isn't widely available in the UK either. I did buy some from Tesco before but they've stopped doing it. However, I was able to get some from Waitrose (America's Finest brand)

The pumkin bars were nice. I wondered if the puree would make them too "gooey" but it all blended nicely. And the cream cheese frosting went well with them. Here's a picture:


I cut a slice out to show what the bars look like!

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Celebrating Madron!

Madron aka Mabon/the Autumn Equinox is nearly here! This year it's on Friday 23rd September (or Thursday 22nd Sept depending on your time zone; see below). For the past few years, I've written posts with inspiration and celebration ideas. Last year I did a round-up of my previous Madron posts. During 2022 I've been doing posts sharing some links and ideas for the sabbats, rather than doing in-depth ones, so this year's Madron post is similar. (I previously did a post called Happy Madron! in 2016, so the title for this one is different to the other 2022 posts.)

I normally post on Sunday or Monday but didn't manage to get this finished yesterday, so I'm posting on a Tuesday. :)

Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere it's almost time for Oestara aka Ostara/the Spring Equinox. You may like my Oestara Round-up post:


Madron is the 2nd harvest festival on the Wheel of the Year, coming after Lammas (around 1st August) and before Samhain (which takes place on 31st October and was the precursor for Hallowe'en). It's also the Autumn Equinox which is often thought of as the "official" start of autumn.

The Autumn Equinox is when day and night are equal (or roughly equal), the opposite to the Spring Equinox (also known as Oestara/Ostara) in March. (In the Southern Hemisphere it's reversed, so their Spring Equinox is in September and their Autumn Equinox is in March.) It also marks the astronomical start of autumn (the metrological start was on 1st September).

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Saying Goodbye to Summer, Moving into Autumn

We're now in September and autumn is starting. It seems to have come around quickly again! Back in February I wrote a post called Saying Goodbye to Winter, Moving into Spring, so I thought it would be good to do one for the opposite end of the seasonal wheel. :)

I tend to find moving from winter into spring an easier transition than going from summer into autumn, because summer is my favourite season and I feel more depressed during the winter. Spring is a hopeful time for me, whereas in autumn I feel sad because things are ending. Autumn is a beautiful time of year though!

I've previously written some posts on getting ready for autumn, which you can read at the links below:

Getting Ready for Autumn:

Celebrating Madron + Autumn:

Summer Photos + Preparing for Autumn:


Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, spring is beginning. You might like my Saying Goodbye to Winter, Moving into Spring post:


I'm going to share a few thoughts on shifting into autumn, like I did with my post about moving into spring. As I've mentioned before, there are two dates which are considered the start of autumn (as with all the seasons)- meteorological autumn which is 1st September and astronomical autumn which is on the day of the Autumn Equinox (around 21st September). In the UK we tend to go by the astronomical start of the seasons.

Some of us with pagan beliefs/interests also celebrate the festival of Madron (more commonly known as Mabon) on the Autumn Equinox.  This year Madron/the Autumn Equinox is on 23rd Sept. You can read more about it here

Monday, 8 August 2022

Lammas 2022

Last week it was Lammas (Monday 1st August, although some may celebrate on 31st July on 2nd Aug). As I said in my Happy Lammas! post, my main celebration for this sabbat is baking. This year I made my usual gingerbread (I was inspired to make it for Lammas by the book The Real Witches' Kitchen by Kate West).

For the past few years, I've used this BBC Food recipe (I used to use the recipe on the back of the Tesco light brown soft sugar packet, but they stopped putting it on there!):

I iced them (just made up an icing sugar with icing sugar and water). Here's a pic:



Sunday, 31 July 2022

Happy Lammas!

Lammas (my favourite sabbat apart from Samhain) is nearly here! This year it's on Monday 1st August (tomorrow!), although some may celebrate from sundown on 31st July to sundown on 1st August, or on 2nd Aug.

For the past few years, I've written posts with celebration ideas for Lammas. Last year I did a round-up of my previous Lammas posts, so for 2022 I'm just sharing some links and ideas, rather than an in-depth post (like I did for Beltane and Litha). :)

Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere it's time for Imbolg/Imbolc! You might like my Imbolg round-up post:

I also came across this post about celebrating Imbolc from an Australian blogger:
Lammas (also called Lughnasadh) is the first harvest festival on the Wheel of the Year (followed by Madron/Mabon (aka the Autumn Equinox) in September and Samhain in October. It's also the last sabbat associated with summer, marking the start of the transition from summer to autumn. It comes after Beltane at the end of April/beginning of May, which although it is a spring festival, marks the shift into summer and Litha in June, which is also the Summer Solstice and the official start of summer. 

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Spring-Summer Update (2022)

We're more than halfway through the year, so it's time for my spring-summer update! I'm doing quarterly updates and you can see the winter-spring one here:

At the beginning of April, I went to the new Wendy's restaurant in Brighton. I didn't know there were any in the UK (it's an American restaurant) but found out there used to be some here. Most closed down but they're now opening up again to the UK market.

I liked the food and the chocolate Frosty drink! Here's a picture I took on the way to Wendy's:


Churchill Square, Brighton.


Sunday, 3 July 2022

Litha 2022

The week before last I celebrated Litha aka Midsummer/the Summer Solstice (Tuesday 21th June). I had planned to do a post about it last weekend but wasn't able to, so I'm posting this weekend instead! :)

As I mentioned in my Happy Litha! post, I usually celebrate by making/having salad. This year I made a tomato and onion salad, the same as I've done for several years. The recipe is from The Kitchen Witch book by Soraya. I don't think it's online, but here's a similar recipe that I linked to in the Happy Litha! post (for Italian salad):

Last year I used red onions, like when I make Kachumbari (Kenyan tomato and onion salad) for Beltane. But this Litha I decided to use brown onions again. I had the salad for my lunch with some chicken, ciabatta bread, guacamole and tortilla chips (bought from the supermarket). I also made some "Hello Kitty" lemonade (the recipe is from a Hello Kitty book!).

The salad and the rest of the food was nice. Here's a pic:



Monday, 20 June 2022

Happy Litha!



It's almost time for Litha aka Midsummer/the Summer Solstice! This year it's on Tuesday 21st June (tomorrow!). I usually write posts with ideas for celebrating the sabbats and I've written several for Litha in the past few years. In 2021 I did a round-up of my previous posts, so for Litha 2022 (as with this past Beltane) I'm just going to share some links and ideas, rather than an in-depth post. :) 


Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere,  you'll be celebrating Yule/the Winter Solstice! You might like this post:

Yule Round-up + Yule/Christmas Baking;

Litha is the 2nd summer festival (or 2nd sabbat associated with summer) on the Wheel of the Year, coming after Beltane at the end of April/beginning of May (a spring festival which also marks the shift from spring to summer) and before Lammas in late July/early August (which is about the end of summer and moving into autumn; also the first harvest festival).

Litha is also the Summer Solstice, the time of the longest day and shortest night (in the Northern Hemisphere). Days have been growing longer since Yule/the Winter Solstice in December, the direct opposite of Litha, when we have the shortest day and longest night. To read a bit more about the Summer Solstice, visit my Litha Inspiration post from 2019:

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Beltane 2022

Last weekend it was Beltane (Sunday 1st May or Saturday 30th April if you celebrate from sundown to sundown). As I mentioned in my Happy Beltane! post, I like to make salad for this sabbat. This year I made kachumbari (a Kenyan tomato and onion salad), which I first came across in 2019. Here is the recipe from the site Precious Core:

Precious' version has avocado and cucumber as well as tomato and red onion. I had the salad with some ciabatta bread, shop bought guacamole (I make my own some years but this year I bought it!) and chicken for my lunch. Here's a picture:

The colour isn't the best but never mind!

Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Happy Beltane!

I normally post on Sundays or Mondays, but got a bit behind this weekend, so I'm posting today instead. :)


Beltane is coming up next weekend (Sunday 1st May or Sat 30th April if you celebrate from sundown to sundown). I've written a few posts with celebration ideas and inspiration over the past few years and last year I rounded them up, so for Beltane 2022 I'm just going to share some links and ideas, rather than a more in-depth post. :)

Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere Samhain is coming! Check out my Samhain/Hallowe'en Round-up post here (2021):


Beltane (also spelt Beltaine) is the 3rd and final spring festival on the Wheel of the Year, coming after Imbolg/Imbolc on 2nd February and Oestara/Ostara aka the Spring Equinox around 21st March. It is a fire festival linked to the Fire God Bel. It is also a cross quarter festival and its other themes include mid-spring, the union of the God and Goddess and fertility, and the start of the shift from spring to summer (although summer is considered to "officially" start on Litha/the Summer Solstice in June). 

Sunday, 10 April 2022

Winter-Spring Update (2022)

Last year I wrote quarterly/seasonal updates (from "season to season"). Although I enjoyed doing monthly updates in 2019 and "two monthly" (two months at a time) ones in 2020, I found that quarterly updates suited me better. So, I've decided to do the same during 2022. :)

You can see my 2021 autumn-winter update here if you like:


We started the year with some coronavirus restrictions still in place, mainly face masks in indoor public places, isolation rules if testing positive and social distancing. 

I went to Starbucks in Worthing and got my favourite mocha Frappuccino. I didn't do much else out of the house, apart from going to the library. And I kept up my regular weekly park walks.

I baked a Coca Cola chocolate cake (where you put Coke in the sponge and icing). It's one of my favourite cakes but I don't make it that often. You can see a picture here:

I also had a go at making this "Change Your Life Chicken" (found the recipe through The Tex Mex Mom's email newsletter, where she shares her weekly meal plans):

It was quite nice.

At the beginning of February, I celebrated Imbolg/Imbolc. You can see a post about my celebrations here:

Also in Feb, I went to my belly dance group's hafla (dance party). I last went to one in September, so it was good to go again.

March started with my birthday. I celebrated at home on the day and the went to Nando's later in the week. Last year they were only open for takeaway, since we were in lockdown. So, it was nice to be able to eat in there again. I had my favourite chicken butterfly (plain-ish) and chips. Here's a picture:



Sunday, 27 March 2022

Oestara 2022

Last Sunday (20th March) it was Oestara (more commonly known as Ostara) aka the Spring Equinox. As I said in my Oestara Round-up post, I normally bake for this sabbat. This year I made a Maltesers traybake slice (which is actually "no-bake!), using this recipe:

It's very similar to Birdies Perch Malteser slice (my favourite thing to "no-bake"),  except that has digestive biscuits instead of Rice Krispies. I've made a recipe based on that for Oestara in 2016 and the usual recipe last year.

I used Rice Snaps (Tesco own brand) for the traybake bites and put Cadbury Mini Eggs on top along with the Maltesers, to fit the spring theme! They tasted quite nice. Here's a picture: 



Monday, 14 March 2022

Oestara Round-up

It's almost time for Oestara (more commonly known as Ostara) aka the Spring Equinox! This year it's on Sunday 20th March.


Note: For those in the Southern Hemisphere it's nearly time for Madron/Mabon aka the Autumn Equinox. You might like these posts:

 Madron/Autumn Equinox Celebration Ideas:

Celebrating Madron/Autumn:

Madron Inspiration:

Baking for Madron + Extra Ideas!:

Madron Round-up + Autumn Baking:


For the past few years, I've written celebration posts for Oestara. Last year I started a series of round-up posts for each sabbat and am continuing that into 2022, so here is Oestara's! :)

Oestara (more often spelt as "Ostara" but I first came across it with the "e" added) is the 2nd spring festival on the Wheel of the Year and celebrates the "official" shift into spring. The name is thought to have come from the Goddess Eostre, so it's not surprising that this sabbat also has links to the Christian festival Easter!

Oestara comes after Imbolc/Imbolg at the beginning of February (which marks the start of the transition from winter to spring) and before Beltane at the end of April/start of May (when we start to shift from spring to summer).

Sunday, 27 February 2022

Saying Goodbye to Winter, Moving into Spring

We're now coming to the end of winter and moving into spring. I've mentioned before about how this is a more hopeful time of year for me, compared to the transition from summer into autumn. (I do like autumn but summer is my favourite season, so I'm always sad to see it go.) Although I try to find something good in every season, I'm not that keen on winter. I don't like the cold weather and short days. If we do get snow, it makes a change though! 

I've previously written a few posts on getting ready for spring which you can see below:

Getting Ready for Spring:

Preparing for Spring + Spring Inspiration:

Oestara + Spring Inspiration:

Winter Photos + Preparing for Spring (2021):


Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, it's almost time for autumn. You might like these posts:

Getting Ready for Autumn:

Autumn Photos + Inspiration:

Autumn 2020 + More Inspiration:


This year I thought I'd share a few thoughts on shifting into spring. As I've said before, there are two days thought to be the start of spring- "meteorological" spring (on 1st March) and "astronomical" on the Spring Equinox, also known as Oestara/Ostara in pagan circles (20th March this year). I do like the idea of spring starting on the 1st (as that's my birthday!), but it often still feels quite cold and wintry during early March.

Monday, 7 February 2022

Imbolg 2022

Last Wednesday (2nd February) was Imbolg, more commonly known as Imbolc. (Or Tuesday 1st Feb since you can celebrate sundown to sundown.) As I said in my Imbolg Round-up post, I normally make pancakes for this sabbat.

This year I made oatmeal pancakes (American style). I first tried them last Imbolg and I liked them, so I thought they would be good to have again. The recipe is from Don't Waste the Crumbs:

I used little pots of instant oatmeal, which is easier than buying a big bag or box of porridge oats if you're not eating it a lot! The recipe uses oat flour but since I don't have a blender to make it, I just used ordinary (plain) flour. They were nice, although I think one was a bit underdone! I had them with Flora spread and maple syrup. Here 's a pic:


Sunday, 30 January 2022

Imbolg Round-up

It's almost time for Imbolg (more commonly called Imbolc), the first sabbat of 2022! This year it's on Wednesday 2nd February, or Tuesday 1st Feb if you celebrate on the 1st. (Some people celebrate on sundown on the 1st to sundown on the 2nd.)


Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere it's nearly Lammas! Check out these posts for inspiration:

Baking for Lammas + Extra Ideas!:

Lammas Round-up:


The past few years I've written celebration idea posts for Imbolg. During 2021 I wrote a series of round-up posts for each sabbat, featuring a mix of past posts on the blog and links for articles on other sites. So, I'll continue that into 2022 with one for Imbolg. :)  

Imbolg is the first sabbat of the calendar year and the second or third on the Wheel of the Year, depending on whether you consider the cycle to start at Samhain (ending and beginning again) or Yule. Although some people think of Imbolg as the New Year.

Monday, 10 January 2022

Christmas Brown Butter Pecan Cake + Autumn-Winter Update

I wanted to do a post about the cake I made for Christmas and since I haven't done my autumn-winter update yet, I decided to make this a double post. (Like last year's.) Scroll further down if you just want to read the update. :)

Christmas Brown Butter Pecan Cake

For this Christmas (or rather Christmas 2021 now!) I baked a brown butter pecan sheet cake. The recipe is from Handle the Heat:

I normally make the cake on Christmas Eve and then ice it on Christmas Day. But in this case the glaze needs to be done when it's warm so I did it all on Christmas Eve. It came out quite nice, except the glaze melted into the cake, so it didn't look quite like the pictures!

I still liked it. I had some with leftover condensed milk (that I had used for Christmas Eve crockpot hot chocolate, see below) and also some evaporated milk another time. Here's a picture: