Sunday 29 September 2024

Madron 2024

Last weekend (Sunday 22nd September) it was Madron, also known as Mabon and the Autumn Equinox. My main celebration for this sabbat is baking and this year I made a gingerbread traybake. The recipe is from The Baking Explorer:

When I've baked gingerbread cakes or muffins in the past, I've often made a cream cheese frosting (one of my favourites is from the James Martin white chocolate Easter cake I've made several times). But this time I made the buttercream icing that goes with the recipe. It's a simple one made out of butter, icing sugar, ground ginger and vanilla extract.

The traybake itself was quite nice. Here's a picture:

Pic taken before I cut it!


Tuesday 17 September 2024

Easing into Autumn

I normally post on Sundays or Mondays but I was behind with another post on my entertainment blog Star Sparkle Blog, so I'm posting on a Tuesday instead. :) 

Autumn is starting (or has already begun, depending on whether you go by the astronomical or meteorological start). Back in March, I wrote a post called Easing into Spring, so I thought I would do the same for autumn. :)

I've previously written a few posts about getting ready for autumn, which you can read at the links below:

Getting Ready for Autumn:

Celebrating Madron + Autumn:

Summer Photos + Preparing for Autumn:

Saying Goodbye to Summer, Moving into Autumn:


Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, spring is starting! You might like my Easing into Spring post:


This time I'm sharing  a few links with inspiration for autumn and also for the autumn festival Madron/Mabon aka the Autumn Equinox. Madron is on 22nd September this year (Sunday).

As with the spring post, I've called this one Easing into Autumn because the start of a season is a transitional time. Sometimes you might feel ready to go straight into the next season, while other times you might want to go slower. And of course the weather often varies, especially in the UK!

Sunday 11 August 2024

Lammas 2024

The other week it was Lammas (Thursday 1st August). Although some people may celebrate on 31st July or 2nd August. My main celebration was baking, I made gingerbread and also some bread (using a mix).

The gingerbread recipe is the BBC Good Food one that I've used for the past few years:

This Lammas I made bear and cat shapes as well as the "men"! I used cookie bear and cat cutters that my friend gave me for my birthday. :) I used ready made icing this year. Here's a pic:

Sunday 28 July 2024

Spring-Summer Update (2024) + Happy Lammas!

I planned to write this post last weekend but had internet problems. So I'm doing it this weekend instead. :) 

We're now more than halfway through the year, so it's time for my 2nd quarterly update of 2024! I write them in April, July, October and January (covering the previous 3 months), so technically they're not all in the same year, but never mind! lol. Anyway, here is my spring-summer update. :) 

You can see my winter-spring (2024) update here:


I wasn't really up to a lot during April, apart from a Happy Café (Action for Happiness) meetup and walking in the park.

At the end of the month I went to Lancing Beach as part of my Beltane celebrations and then had my main celebration on 1st May. You can read my post about it here:


Here are a couple of pictures I took during April and May:  

Churchill Square, Brighton- April.

Sunday 30 June 2024

Litha 2024

On the Thursday before last (20th June) it was Litha aka Midsummer/the Summer Solstice. As I said in my Salads for Litha + Extra Ideas! post, I normally make salad and lemonade for this sabbat. 

This year I made my favourite tomato and onion salad (the recipe is from Soraya's book The Kitchen Witch). While in past years I've varied it by using red onion or a mix of brown/yellow and red onion, this time I just used brown. The lemonade is "Hello Kitty lemonade" (the recipe is from a Hello Kitty book).

I had the salad for lunch with some Dorito dippers and smashed avocado, chicken, seeded rolls, cheese and pickle, and stuffed peppers (with cheese). It was quite nice. Here's a picture: 

Monday 17 June 2024

Salads for Litha/Summer + Extra Ideas!

It's nearly time for Litha/the Summer Solstice! This year it's on Thursday 20th June. The actual moment/time of the solstice will be 9.51 BST/3.51pm CDT. You can find your local time here:

In the past I've written several posts with ideas for celebrating the sabbats. I decided to stop writing more in-depth posts last year (because I'd already covered them) but continue to share about my celebrations and write more sabbat themed posts if I felt inspired to.

This Beltane I wrote a post called Salads for Beltane and Extra + Ideas!. I enjoyed writing that, so I thought I'd do a similar one for Litha, since summer is starting and we're in "salad season"! I've called the post Salads for Litha/Summer because they would be good for any time during the summer. I'm also sharing some extra ideas for celebrating. :)


Here are my most recent Litha posts:

Happy Litha!:

Shifting into Summer (includes some links about Litha): 

Note: If you're in the Southern Hemisphere,  it's almost time for Yule/the Winter Solstice! You might like this post:

Happy Yule!:


My main celebration for the sabbats is making/having food and drink. As with Beltane, I usually have salad for Litha. It fits the theme because it's the beginning of summer and the days are (hopefully!) getting warmer and brighter. I like to drink lemonade as well. (If you're not keen on salad, you can find some alternative celebration suggestions in my previous Litha posts and under the Extra Ideas section below.)



All the salads mentioned in the Beltane post would also be good for Litha:


Tomato and Onion Salad

One of my favourite salads to make for Litha is a tomato and onion one from The Kitchen Witch book by Soraya. You can see a pic here:

It's quite simple to make, the recipe is made up of tomato and onion, garlic, salt and black pepper, lemon juice and olive oil. I most often use brown/yellow onion but it's also good with red onion, which I've used for Litha some years. I was inspired to use red onion after making kachumbari for Beltane (see below). Last Litha I made it with both brown and red onion.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Beltane 2024

The other week it was Beltane (Wednesday 1st May). I normally make salads for this sabbat and this year, as mentioned in my Salads for Beltane post, I made one of my favourites, kachumbari (Kenyan tomato and onion salad). The recipe I like to use is from Precious Core:

I had it for my lunch with some shop bought food, chicken drumsticks, tortilla chips, guacamole and bread rolls. Here's a pic: